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October 4, 2000

Hey kids, what's the haps? I hope all is well with everyone out there in the real world... Sorry I'm laggin' on keeping this thing updated, I'm just soooo busy. Since last I wrote a lot has happened. My birthday was the major thing though. My b-day was pretty cool, Katie and my mom threw me a surprise party and that was totally fun. All of my friends were there and a lot of my family. It was a blast. I also had a job interview with a start-up in Mountain View. I'm still waiting to see what happens with that thing. What else. School is alright, I have a mad phatty test tomorrow in Poly Sci and I'm trippin. Oh well, I'll just have to hit the books tonight. Other than that I'm good. Just workin' and schoolin. I washed my car yesterday so that means my goal for the week is complete. I'm so productive! Tomorrow is boys night out and I'm stoked! I've come to look forward to this time every week with great anticipation. It's a time where we can all let everything else drift away and just f around like we did in the old days. It's great. Plus it keeps the group together, something that's been a challenge as we're getting older. I do have a few other things going on but nothing major. My new living situation is still cool, but I miss my family... ~Scotty

September 19, 2000

What's up? Nothing too much on my end. School's ok, work's ok, and it's hotter than butt right now. I'm doin' alright, I think I'm starting to burn out though. I worked mass hours last week and then didn't sleep much and I'm really tired. Hmmmm... Well, nothing's really new with me except for, well no. Anyway, Sunday is my birthday and I had to cancel the gathering that I was having because my room mates had a fatty all weekend party last weekend and now a couple of my other room-mates are miffed. Oh well. What can I do? I'm not super enthused about the B-day thing , but maybe I will be. Who knows? If nothing else this means that I can watch football all day in peace without feeling guilty for ignoring anyone. I think that will be my little present to myself, ya know? A full day of pre-game, post-game and in-game football. How exciting. Now if only the Raiders can have another sell-out crowd so I can watch from home.... Peace. ~Scotty

September 5, 2000

Hey chuckie bro's what's up? Nothin much here on my end. Well actually I'm lying. I started going back to the gym last week and let me tell you, it's totally kicking my butt! It's nice to work out again though and the one I go to at work is really nice. I'm into the whole school "thing" now, I really like my new school it's a lot better than West Valley was. The classes I have are killer and I've already made some friends. I must confess the nicest person I met was this chick Danielle in my English class, I think she's cool but only cause she reminds me of my lovely Katie. Katie and I are doing well, we enjoyed our long weekend. It was nice to just relax you know? On Saturday we just hung out and did nothing until 8 pm or so and then we went to the movies. So I've just been working and going to school lately and its great. My new house is awesome, I'm all settled in and stuff so its cool to just go home and kick my feet up you know? Anyway, I gotta run I have tons of stuff to do. Hey e-mail me okay? Just send it! Peace kids. ~Scotty

August 15, 2000

Good day my friends. Well I must say that it is a good day for me anyways, I got my new computer! So of course here I am jammin away on it. Hee hee. Anyway, I have a bunch of stuff to tell ya. I move on Saturday up to San Mateo and that is scary! We are renting a fatty truck to carry the big stuff in, but everything else will be moved earlier tis week. Katie and I had our 1 year anniversary on Saturday. YAY! We went to Capitola for the morning and the early afternoon, then we took off to a fancy dinner at a local French restaurant called La Feret. That was tasty, I had Caribou. Then we went and saw STOMP in San Francisco. That was such a great show! I couldn't believe it. If you have the means to go to the show, GO. It is spectacular, you won't regret it. Anyways, for the time being its about Katie and myself and our landmark of 1 year. I am totally and completely in love and happy with her. Good night all. ~Scotty

August 9, 2000

Hmmm... hi. Long time no update, I know. I'm still sick, I registered with this jerry sounding web-school, regular school starts soon, and I went white water rafting. I have lots to talk about, but unfortunately I just found out that I gotta go. I'll give you more later.~Scotty

August 3, 2000

So for my life "viewers" I know I haven't really been around, but hey I've been busy. I've also been pretty sick. I was only allowed to work half a day this week. I say "allowed" because both of my managers agreed to send me home every day. Oh well, I need the rest and its been good to be at home for a while. So things are coming together for me as far as my house goes. I get to move in this month and I am pretty excited. I have been going out and buying a little bit of new stuff like I bought a really cool clock today and some cooking spices. I was really proud of myself for not impulse buying the awesome beer steines I saw and the killer desk that I want. All in all I spent about 30 bucks today. Not bad. Katie's costume party is this weekend, and we are stressed because our restaurant concelled the reservation and we need a cool place to go. I don't really care because I get to dress up like a barbarian for a few hours and carry a really cool sword. Katie is going as a bar wench of the same period. Anyway, things are going well, but I really need to get back to work because I am going crazy! I'll keep you posted on the living situation. Peace. Oh by the way, school starts August 21. ~Scotty

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